Oh no, this is bad.
I’m using the Strymon Iridium but something about it feels too digital, and I’m drawn to the Simplifier MkII. I know, I know - the Iridium has an analog preamp and it’s properly ‘amp-like.’ But I’m just weak when it comes to anything labeled …
When I tried to add Kindle books that weren’t found in Micro.blog’s Bookshelves, I couldn’t add them because ISBN was required.
It’s a bit of a problem since books published only on Kindle have only ASIN numbers
Finished reading: MIFES Revolution 1985 📚
MIFES革命1985: エディタはワープロを超えた・文章とソースを書いた20世紀の個人史 by 川俣 晶 📚
This book appears to be a memoir about text editors on PCs in Japan, focusing on the MS-DOS era from the late 1980s to 1990s.
Back then in Japan, PC editor users were divided into two camps - MIFES users and Vz users - and I was a Vz user. Vz …
店舗のSNS依存 - 顧客に届かない情報発信
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President Biden has ordered to block Nippon Steel’s planned acquisition of major American steelmaker U.S. Steel, citing national security concerns. Is he out of his mind? Japan is an allied nation that has security treaties with the U.S. - yet he’s raising “national security …
復活させたNSXもS660も短期で捨て、1999年に専用エンジン、専用シャッシーで発表したS2000もわずか数年で消えた。 伝統が重要なスポーツカーの領域ではおよそ信用できないミニバンとなんちゃってSUBで稼ぐこの会社の、名前だけ「継承」したスポーツカーを誰が買うのだろうか?
参考: 「東京オートサロン2025」出展概要 - Honda 企業情報サイト
I’m planning to enjoy the “Kinoe-ne Sake Tasting Set” that I purchased at the end of the year today.
While I store important files on pCloud, the dedicated app makes both uploading and downloading unbearably slow. I’m contemplating whether I’d be happier just uninstalling it and using the web interface instead.
I went for hatsumode (first shrine visit of the year) to Towatari Shrine on New Year’s morning this year as well. I also visited at night, when candles were lit in bamboo holders, creating a solemn atmosphere different from the morning.
The shrine dates back to 1644 and enshrines four deities.
Happy New Year! Wishing a gentle and peaceful 2025 for everyone, everywhere 🌏
Through challenges and changes, we’re all connected in this world. Let’s keep supporting and looking after each other!
For this New Year’s, I decided to treat myself to something special - Osechi-ryori prepared by Iinuma Honke, the brewery of “Kinoe” (a prestigious sake from Chiba prefecture).
LogSeq at a Glance: An Overview for Beginners
I created this simple guide to LogSeq to help friends get started with the tool. Written in Japanese, this overview aims to help new users understand LogSeq’s key features and daily usage patterns from a bird’s-eye perspective.
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Oh no! I left my smartphone at the supermarket last night!
Hold onto your Nichirin Swords! Don’t get too comfortable with the “Demon Slayer - The Movie: Infinity Castle” trilogy announcement. The production team is being as mysterious as Muzan about whether this will actually wrap everything up! 🤔
Let’s do some demon-slaying math …
やんごとなき事情でMicrosoft Officeをインストールしなければならないので、Microsoft 365 Apps for businessをSubscribeした。
しかし、 細分化されたこのプランはわざとわかりにくくしているのか?
A Command to Sync EXIF Data with File System Timestamps
Getting Started with PFU ScanSnap iX1600
I recently embarked on a journey to digitize my old photographs. Since my pre-digital photos exist only as physical prints, I decided to invest in a PFU scanner to bring these memories into the digital age.
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Finished reading: 婚活マエストロ by 宮島未奈 📚
In Japan, there is a tradition of sending New Year’s greetings by postcards, but as someone of the digital age, I set up a scheduled email in Fastmail to send mine on New Year’s Day. I created a dedicated website for the greeting itself.
Hands-on with Berkeley Mono v2 (TX-02): More Features and New Pricing Model
Vin Antique PPSE Classic - Artisanal Warmth Over Drive
Vin Antique, a small effects pedal brand from Kyoto, has released a new overdrive pedal called “PPSE Classic”. Although it was produced in small quantities, I was fortunate enough to get my hands on one.
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I recently purchased the Keychron Q60 MAX keyboard which I really like, but I don’t use wireless connectivity at home. Because I’m worried about the built-in battery swelling due to degradation, I removed the battery.
The New Year's Card Season Has Arrived
In Japan, there’s a tradition where people exchange greeting postcards called nengajo, carefully timed to arrive on New Year’s Day.
Years ago, I used to enjoy making woodblock prints and illustrations for these cards. But the whole process - printing them and writing addresses - became …
Vin AntiqueのOverdrive PPSE Classic、24日発売のはずが、もう予約受け付けてるオンラインショップがあったので買ってしまった🎸