🎸 tuki.の楽曲『晩餐歌』のカバーです。最近お気に入りの曲なので弾いてみました。
  • Guitar: Epiphone USA Texan
  • Vocal: Synthesizer V (Sheena)
  • その他の伴奏: Logic Proの自動演奏

This song is a cover of “Bansanka” (Dinner Song) by tuki., a Japanese singer-songwriter who is currently an active middle school girl. It’s been one of my favorite songs recently, so I decided to try playing it.

However, I just opened a new Threads account for the first time in ages, and it’s full of nothing but videos of women excessively shaking their butts. Is this place a garbage dump too?


Manton Reece - Threads cross-posting from Micro.blog

We had a slow road to getting approved by Meta, but I’m happy to announce that automatic cross-posting from your blog to Threads is now enabled for everyone on Micro.blog.

昨日受験したAWS SAAですが、 Cermertricsでは確認 できてはいましたが、結局通知は今日の午後7時過ぎに “Congratulations on recertifying your AWS Certification!“のタイトルでメールが送られてきました。Credlyの認証バッチは気がついたらExpire の日付が変更されていました。

DeveloperとSysOps AdministratorももうすぐExpireしてしまいますが、これはもういいかな。 2025年2月までAWS Certified AI Practitioner の認定試験の無料キャンペーンが行われているようなので、次はこちらを受験しようかなと思います。



以前はその場で結果が出ましたが、現在は「5日以内に通知」とされているようです。他の合格者の記事を読むと当日の夜21時にメールされてくることが多いようです。私の場合まだメールは来ていませんが、Cermetricsの"Exam History"で確認できました。



机を注文するのにデザインを確認するために昔使っていたShade 3Dを年初から使い始めましたが、Subscriptionなので更新しないことにしました。昔は買い切りでユーザーもたくさんいて盛況でしたが、今は見る影もなく、マイナーなソフトウェアになってしまいました。

Shade 3D

I quickly pre-ordered the newly announced Nintendo Sound Clock, Alarmo!!!

🎸 It’s a Queen masterpiece that I recorded at home about 10 years ago. I have memories of it being so difficult, with probably more than 6 vocal parts, that I don’t have the motivation to do it again.

The spider lilies are in bloom, and it finally feels like autumn.

📷 #gloomy

Auto-generated description: A leafless tree leans to one side in a grassy field surrounded by dense greenery.
Silence in Green

A lone withered tree stands quietly in a space surrounded by lush forest. The contrast between the vibrant green and the decaying old tree evokes thoughts of time’s passage and nature’s cycle.

A disassembled Casio GW-5000-1JF watch with its replacement strap and screws laid out on a wooden surface.
CASIO GW-5000-1JF Disassembled

While it looks like an ordinary G-SHOCK, this is actually a “Made in Japan” premium model featuring a screw-back case. I’ve replaced the strap and cleaned the interior of the case.



オリジナルのギターはMartin 000C Nylonだと思いますが、ナイロン弦のギターは持っていないのでTexanで弾いてみました。この曲は雨の中で泣いている広瀬すずのイメージが強いので、雨音も盛ってみました。

  • Guitar : Epiphone Texan
  • Vocal : Synthesizer V (Sheena)

楽曲を公開するサイトをHearThis.atに移行しようと思いましたが、あまりに品質が悪く当面SoundCloudを継続することにしました。この2年間の弾いた曲の再生統計データを見ていると、再生回数の上位は次の4曲です。Raspberry Dream以外は納得。

  1. Finger Dancin'
  2. Raspberry Dream
  3. Seven Goblins
  4. フラッシュバッカー

I was using ChatGPT, but I have switched to Claude from Anthropic. The deciding factors were the following three points:

  1. It is as intelligent as GPT-4, if not better.
  2. The Artifacts feature is excellent.
  3. The overall usability of the product is also high.

ChatGPTを使っていましたが、EnthropicsのClaude に乗り換えました。 決め手は次の三点です。

  1. GPT-4oと遜色ないレベルで賢い。
  2. Artifacts機能が秀逸
  3. Projectの利便性も高い。

An unpublished musical piece by Mozart has reportedly been discovered in the Leipzig City Library and performed. It is believed to have been written in his early teens and appears to be one of the chamber music works he composed in his youth that was thought to be lost. Although it’s a digital rendition, I’ve attempted to play it using Logic Pro.

モーツァルトの未公開楽曲がライプツィヒ市立図書館の発見され、演奏されたそうです。 恐らく10代前半に書かれたもので、彼が若い頃書いていて失われた室内楽作品の一つのようです。打ち込みですが、LogicProで演奏してみました。

Ganz kleine Nachtmusik (A Very Tiny Night Music) composed by Mozart


Weekly Buzz🐝 2024-09-27

昨日くらいから随分と秋らしくなりました。 今週は自宅キッチンのリフォームのためあまりニュースなどを追えませんでした。


  • 『機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE』を見て
  • ジャーナルツール jrnl
  • 自動車業界におけるITについて

Finished reading: 怪獣保護協会 by ジョン・スコルジー 📚


  • 登場人物の描写がどこか曖昧で性別すは分からず、感情移入出来ない
  • 頻繁に挟まれるジョークが煩わしく集中力を削がれる


The Mainichi Shimbun reports that Korea has agreed to return a Buddhist statue to Japan, but with conditions. It’s typical of Korea to claim a stolen statue from Japan as their own and then set conditions for its return. This behavior is shockingly improper.

This statue was stolen from Japan by Korean thieves in 2011. After Korean police seized it, a Korean temple claimed ownership, which Korea’s Supreme Court approved.

Records show the statue was in a Japanese temple since 1526. It likely came to Japan before the 15th century to escape religious persecution in Korea.

Many experts were predicting that the American economy would crash towards the end of the year, yesterday, buy orders dominated the New York stock market, and the S&P 500 reached a new record high. You can’t really rely on expert opinions, can you? lol

The new Reeder released in September is terrible. I think I’ll go back to Feedbin after all. In these days when social media is a garbage dump, RSS is more effective than ever!


📷 #vibrant

City Berries
Nature's vivid hues bloom in a corner of the city. The bright red berries set against a backdrop of buildings made me feel the contrast between urban and natural elements, as well as an overflowing vitality.

I’m using jrnl, so I submitted a pull request for internationalizing the documentation and adding Japanese translations. However, while the project manages dependencies with pyproject.toml, the CI/CD uses pip, causing the pull request build to fail. I think I’ll open an issue about this.

A promotional poster features two different Patlabor movies, one titled Patlabor EZY with a release date of 2026 and the other Patlabor: The Movie set in 1999.

🎥『機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE』(1989年)のリバイバル上映を今晩見てきました。「思い出補正」で作品評価を必要以上に上げていて見直すとがっかりするのではと懸念していましたが、予想に反してしっかりと楽しむことができました。 1989年と言えば、昭和天皇の崩御、ベルリンの壁崩壊、冷戦終結の年。三菱地所がロックフェラー・センターを買収し、任天堂がゲームボーイを発売。振り返ると、現代とは異なる世界線だったように感じます。

🎥Tonight, I attended a revival screening of “Patlabor: The Movie” (1989). I was concerned that “nostalgia goggles” might have inflated my evaluation of the film, potentially leading to disappointment upon rewatching. However, contrary to my expectations, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. The year 1989 was marked by significant events: the death of Emperor Hirohito, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War. It was also the year Mitsubishi Estate purchased Rockefeller Center, and Nintendo released the Game Boy. Looking back, it feels like we were living in a different timeline compared to today.