採譜ソフトのFinaleが開発・販売を終了する。 音楽はざっくり言うと作曲->アレンジ->採譜->演奏というプロセスが必要だが、「採譜」というプロセスは現代では端折られることも多いし、何か新しい革新があるわけでもないから「incremental value for our customers 」が無くなったというのは確かにそうなんだろう。ただ日本のクラシック音楽界隈ではデファクトスタンダードなどで、関係者には「Finaleがフィナーレを迎えた」などと冗談を言える雰囲気ではない。
The music notation software Finale will be discontinued in terms of development and sales. In music, the general process involves composition, arrangement, notation, and performance. However, the notation process is often skipped in modern times, and since there hasn’t been any significant innovation in this area, it’s understandable that they feel there is “no incremental value for our customers” anymore. That said, Finale is the de facto standard in Japan’s classical music community, so for those involved, it’s not exactly a laughing matter where they can joke that “Finale has reached its finale.”
Today, Finale is no longer the future of the notation industry—a reality after 35 years, and I want to be candid about this. Instead of releasing new versions of Finale that would offer only marginal value to our users, we’ve made the decision to end its development.