
2000年代と違って少しはまともになってきたようです。 NHK日本経済新聞毎日新聞産経新聞などは、基本的には「ご自由に」というスタンスで常識的。



📷 #many

A group of crows is perched on a bridge railing while a person sits nearby looking at a smartphone.
Gathering Points

In a quiet corner of the city, a man on a bench while a group of crows gathers on a nearby bridge railing. The contrast between the solitary human and the flocking crows in the urban environment they inhabit provokes thought on the theme of individual vs collective.

ピザーラでセラーノペッパーにハーフトッピングでパインを注文して、届いたピザがコレ。 パインが載っている側にセラーノペッパーが載ってない。電話で確認したらセラーノペッパーの量に間違えはないので、自分でセラーノペッパーを散らして食えとのこと。楽しみにしていただけに、なんかモヤモヤ。

A pizza in a box is topped with melted cheese, diced potatoes, pepperoni, and sliced green peppers.

スプラトゥーン3🎮️ 今のところ、私のビッグランの納品数のベストは185個。過去ビッグランのデータを見ると納品数180個超えると上位1%に入るけど今回はどうだろう。ここまで来ると同レベルの味方に当たることの方が少ないので、ミッションの失敗も増えて一進一退で辛い。


Weekly Buzz🐝 2024-09-06


  • 閉店予定のイトーヨーカドー津田沼店を見て感じたGMSの終焉
  • NVIDIA株急落
  • 米不足についての調査と考察

Two amiibo figurines inside a packaging box featuring characters with distinct outfits and hairstyles.

To get into the spirit of the “Grand Festival” for Splatoon 3, scheduled to start on September 13th, I got my hands on the newly released Tentacles amiibo set, which came out on September 5th! I pre-ordered it, thinking it would likely become scarce.



Today, I visited Kinoene Omoya, a restaurant run by Iinumahonke, a sake brewery in Chiba known for its Japanese sake brand, 甲子(Kinoene). I enjoyed a three-tiered bento box, a traditional Japanese meal presentation where different dishes are served in a set of three stacked boxes. 🍽️

I was surprised by the announcement of Oasis’s reunion and world tour, but it filled me with nostalgia. I used to listen to them a lot during my student days… Wait, Oasis was from the 1990s, so that doesn’t quite match up. I spent about two days confused, only to realize I had somehow mixed up Oasis with the 1980s band ASIA. Even though Oasis and the progressive rock band Asia are completely different!

I had the chance to ride in a vehicle from Chiba City’s Green Slow Mobility demonstration experiment, which was being conducted in the Makuhari Baytown area. Since these are electric vehicles, they might be more cost-effective and practical than the community buses often used in rural areas. The photo shows the friendly drivers who kindly gave me a ride.

It was slow but comfortable.

Finished reading: 怪獣8号 13 by 松本直也 📚

The story mainly focuses on the protagonist, Kafka, who is on a mission to rescue Mina Ashiro, who has been captured by Kaiju No. 9 in Tachikawa. His unwavering trust in his comrades and determination to move forward highlight his growth and strength of will.

Bluesky のユーザーがここ数日で百万人も増えたそうです。

wow... welcome to the ONE MILLION new users in the last three days!!! 🎉

uau… bem-vindos ao UM MILHÃO de novos usuários nos últimos três dias!!! 🎉


X, formerly Twitter, has been banned in Brazil after failing to meet a deadline set by a Supreme Court judge to name a new legal representative in the country.

え?! 24時間テレビでやす子がトラックをグルグル回ってるけど、何してんの? 

Micro.blogの機能のうち、Notes に特化したモバイルアプリなのかな。 これまでAndroidでは使えなかったので、待ち遠しい。

An update on Strata for Android. Getting closer to a release. We had a rejection, resubmitted. Pretty confident it’ll be approved and out today or early next week.

📷 #windshield_shot

In the Tyhoon

While driving a SUBARU car in Typhoon ShanShan, the rain was so heavy that visibility became poor, and even Subaru’s EyeSight system stopped functioning.

Weekly Buzz🐝 2024-08-30


  • NVIDIA株価下落と米国経済
  • Telegram CEOのフランス政府による逮捕
  • 史上最強クラス 台風10号上陸
  • 採譜ソフトウェアの定番 Finaleのフィナーレ

折角アコギを買ったので弾いてみました。TexanだとオリジナルのGibson J-45のニュアンスとはちょっと違うか。


MicrosoftがTerminal用フォント Cascadia Codeを日本語、繁体・簡体字に対応させてCascadia Nextとして発表。早速Macにインストールして試してみました。リガチャもサポートしててWindows標準となるとコーディング用フォントしてはいい感じです。愛用しているMonoLisa + M PLUS 1 CODE(20pxで表示)とCascadia Next JP(22pxで表示)を比較。個人的には小さめで詰め込み過ぎに感じます。MonoLisaがゆったり目なので、慣れと好みの問題でしょう。


Font Comparison

The Pixel 9 is now available for sale.

The enhanced AI features are interesting, but the only useful feature is Pixel Screenshots. It’s totally at a premium price point. Either way, I just bought a Pixel 8Pro last year, so I don’t think I’ll be buying one this year.

I was concerned about the typhoon and was looking at Ventusky. Out of curiosity, I checked the air pollution layer and saw that a lot of pollutants were being carried over from that country by the typhoon winds! I really wish something could be done about it.

First, the attacker creates their own ALB instance with authentication configured in their account. The attacker then uses this ALB to sign a token they fully control. Next, the attacker alters the ALB configuration and sets the issuer field to the victim’s expected issuer. AWS subsequently signs the attacker’s forged token with the victim’s issuer. Finally, the attacker uses this minted token against the victim’s application, bypassing both authentication and authorization.

ALBeast Security Advisory by Miggo Research | Miggo

「AWS ALBの脆弱性」と騒がれているけれど、普通にIssuerの検証、JWTトークンの検証、ALBのトラフィックの制限、セキュリティグループの設定をやっていれば関係なくない? 「AWS ALBのベストプラクティスを無視した間抜けが作ったアプリの脆弱性」では?

It seems that the CEO of Telegram has been arrested, which reminds me of the Winny incident in Japan. The unjust arrest and prosecution of Isamu Kaneko by the Japanese police in 2004 set back Japan’s IT industry by 20 years. It’s a foolish situation.