自民党の小泉進次郎元環境大臣が9月の総裁選に立候補する意向を固め、周辺議員に伝えていることが明らかになりました。 小泉進次郎元環境大臣、総裁選出馬へ 周辺議員「支援表明議員は既に40人以上」(TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN) - Yahoo!ニュース さすがによく揶揄されるセクシー発言や寧ろ環境に有害なレジ袋有料化などはこの人の問題ではないと思いますが、この人は危ういし国をリードできるとも思えない。📰
Finished reading: アメリカの戦争責任 by 竹田恒泰 📚
The book that examines the United States’ war responsibility, particularly regarding the atomic bombings during World War II. I decided to read this book because August 15th is recognized as “End of War Day” in Japan.
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The new web-based Micro.blog editor seems to have issues with Japanese input.
📷 #Path
Hiyodori-zaka The Hiyodori-zaka is an old path adjacent to an ancient samurai residence street, surrounded by a beautiful bamboo grove that has remained almost unchanged since the Edo period.
I visited Bangla Kitchen for lunch🍽️, a place I’ve been wanting to try for a while. As the name suggests, this restaurant offers Bangladeshi cuisine. Today, I had the mutton biryani, which was what I was looking forward to. Delicious!
I’ve started using SurfShark VPN to avoid facing the same issues as Chika Shigetani, a member of Japan’s Paralympic team for Paris. カフェでMacを使ってFree WiFiでネットに接続しながら、ちょっとした作業をすることが多くなった。パリ・パラリンピック日本代表の重定知佳さんのような事態を避けるため、個人で SurfShark VPN を使用し始めた。
When I looked at the street trees near my home, I noticed that these insects were quite prevalent, which was creepy.
東京地裁は8月6日、同じパラアーチェリー選手でパリ・パラリンピック日本代表の重定知佳さんに約124万円の支払いを命じる判決を言い渡した。 パラ五輪日本代表女性アスリートに賠償命令 _ Yahooニュース 匿名だからって高をくくってたんかな。今どき発信者情報開示請求も簡単にできるのだから、誹謗中傷する人はノーロギングのVPNを使いましょう。
Death Note(Netflix Version) 🎥 Laughably bad. The highlight of the story is supposed to be the battle of wits between the genius protagonist and the detective L, but instead, it turned into a low-IQ showdown between an angsty high schooler and a clumsy detective. It was quite the disaster.
I found some old Studio Ghibli anime and a Paul McCartney DVD. Since the DVD drive is a bit unreliable, I’ll convert them to MP4 using MakeMKV and HandBrake.
I think the ‘Super HQ 1080p30 Surround’ preset in HandBrake should work well.
劇場総集編『ぼっち・ざ・ろっく』の前編を見忘れたので、後編を今更みにいくか迷う。 気分を盛り上げるために、「ファラッシュバッカー」をもう一度弾いてみた🎸
Yostos · フラッシュバッカー(Flashbacker)
Business Insider などを読んでいるとAWSのCodeCommitやCloud9の新規受付凍結は、米国でもかなり問題になっている模様。
Amazon's recent decision to stop accepting new users for several cloud services caught some customers, partners and even a few employees by surprise.(Amazonが展開中の複数のクラウドサービスについて新規ユーザー登録受付を中止したことで、顧客や協力企業の間で混乱が広がっている。)
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It’s finally here! The announcement video for Splatoon 3’s biggest fest, the “Grand Fest,” just dropped! Could this be the last fest that decides the direction for the next Splatoon, like they did in Splatoon 2?
I’m watching the recording of the Olympic closing ceremony now, and what stood out to me the most was how unusually high the guitarist Christian Mazzalai was holding his guitar. I’ve never seen anyone hold a Telecaster that high before. It’s a shame because it’s such a classy all-rosewood one.
I decided to create a business card, even though it doesn’t really matter much since I’ve already quit my job. Instead of the usual offset printing, I decided to go the extra mile and use letterpress printing for my business cards.
Recently, I had a conversation with someone about software development using
ChatGPT, and a few things caught my attention. I decided to summarize my
thoughts here. 🪄
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Currently reading: スマイリー ( 9) by 服部未定 📚
📰 Following yesterday’s earthquake in Miyazaki, there was another one in Kanagawa just now. I hope it is not a sign of something to come.
I went to Roppongi to see Paul McCartney’s photo exhibition “Eyes of the Storm.” The photos, taken between 1963 and 1964, capture their everyday life but were forgotten until 2020. These unseen photos of the Beatles during their peak success made the exhibition very fascinating.