大量のファイルをアップロードする必要があったのだけど、自宅をHome 5Gにしてからアップロード速度がでない。仕方がないので、MIRAIYA Bookmark Loungeに来た。リーズナブルな割に快適。しかも、未来書店の本を三冊まで持ち込んで良いらしい。
Finished reading: マイホームヒーロー(25) by 山川直輝 📚
Finished reading: Replay by Ken Grimwood 📚
To celebrate Akina Nakamori’s fan club exclusive event held in Tokyo from July 12th to 14th, marking her first concert in seven years, I performed “Jukkai (1984)”.
The front part of our Subaru, which my wife accidentally damaged last month, was taken to the dealer for repair yesterday and was completed today. The entire front section was replaced.
Fernandes went bankrupt? They were a good quality Japanese guitar maker, but they were not unique. Oh, I wish someone would buy the license for ZO-3 and Sustainer and continue them.
フェルナンデスが倒産したのか。品質のよい日本のギターメーカーだったけれど、特徴はなかったからなぁ。 あっ、ZO-3とサスティナーはどこかがライセンス買って継続してほしいなぁ。
Feedback's Feel 🎸
I played this 80s Japanese fusion song, because I like the interplay between the distorted tone and the clean tone of the lead guitar.
- Lead Guitar : AriaProII PE-1500
- Clean Lead Guitar: Epiphone Casino
- Backing RIff: Fernandes RST-50-64
I played the song ‘SPACE WAGON’ from Takana Masayoshi’s EP ‘Finger Dancin’.’ I remember it being used as an insert song for the anime ‘Return of Lum, Urusei Yatsura’ and as a commercial song for Mazda 3 at the time.
高中正義のEP『Finger Dancin’』から『SPACE WAGON』を演奏しました。この曲は、アニメ『うる星やつら』の挿入歌や、当時のマツダ3のコマーシャルソングとして使われていたことを覚えています。
🎮 Splatoon3 : Summer Nights
Today, the Summer Nights Fest is happening in Splatoon 3, so I’m going to enjoy using various weapons.
いろんな武器でSummer Nights フェスを愉しむ