
A fried bun filled with soft serve ice cream

I visited Oyama Senmaida(大山千枚田) in Chiba Pref, Japan. These terraced rice fields, dating back to before the 1600s, are ingeniously built on hillside slopes, forming 30 levels with 375 paddies still in use today. They are the quintessential rural landscape of Japan.

Finished reading: 南海トラフ地震の真実 by 小澤慧一 📚




🍿 MIFF number 10 was a wonderful look at Japanese listening cafes in A Century in Sound (2024) ★★★★

A rectangular image with a review of the movie A Century in Sound (2024). The movie poster is on the left and the review on the right side. Across the bottom is a rating of Poor Okay Good Great with Great selected. The review reads: The first three of a limited six part series exploring Japanese listening cafes/bars, with classical, Jazz and J-Rock covered. The episodes show the commitment to the listening experience, with the classical cafe no longer serving food so the noise didn’t distract from the music. The owners have spent a lifetime (or in the case of the classical one nearly 100 years by multiple generations of the family) building their record collections and personalising the audio equipment and even making their own speakers to suit the space. Each episode covers a part of Japanese history from the 1930s to the ‘90s through personal reflections of the owners and visitors, their passion for the music clearly evident. The storytelling with the music background was so intimate and almost reverent, you wanted to be in the bar sharing a drink with the owner.

NostrでVanity pubkeyのMiningをやってみました。プリフィックスにyostosに近いy0st0sを得るために、ranaを使って数時間Miningしました。



cargo install rana
rana --vanity-n-prefix y0st0s
Started mining process for vanity bech32 prefix[es]: 'npub1["y0st0s"]' (estimated pow: 24)
Benchmarking of cores disabled for vanity npub key upon proper calculation.
Mining using 14 cores...
Vanity npub found: y0st0s
Found matching Nostr public key:
Hex public key: 23e0b7c18ce50c8d359071bcd1536a0f9efadb6c81b53529d524831fe93d8ed9
Hex private key: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Npub public key: npub1y0st0svvu5xg6dvswx7dz5m2p7004kmvsx6n22w4yjp3l6fa3mvsef2zz7
Nsec private key: nsec1@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2597711770 iterations (about 2x10^9 hashes) in 3433 seconds. Avg rate 756688 hashes/second

プリフィックスに指定する桁数が増えるほどマイニングに時間がかかるので注意しましょう。上記の例ではM3 MAXのMacbook Proで1時間ほどかかりました。

また、PubkeyはNative SegWit(Bech32)でエンコードされており、小文字でl,b,i,oを除いた32文字しか使えません。これらの文字については数字などに置き換えて指定する必要があります(yostos->y0st0sなど)

Weekly Buzz🐝 2024-08-25


  • 『劇場総集編 ぼっち・ざ・ろっく Re:Re:』鑑賞
  • AWSの新CEO Matt Garman のAIと開発者に関する発言
  • 一連の誹謗・中傷事件について


@minah @yostos I just rolled out a fix for Japanese and Chinese input. Can you try again and let me know if it works correctly? There might still be more we can do. For now, the coloring is disabled for these inputs.


Bocchi The Rock Title

「おい、ハンサム!!」をNetflixで見返していて、そういえばThe Ronettesってこの曲しか知らんなと演奏してみた🎸。ヴォーカルはVocaloidだけど、先のアップデートでLogicProに追加されたChromaGlowが昔の録音のサチュレーションをうまく再現している気がする。

I spotted a toad being attacked by a mouse! I chased the mouse away and saved the toad. Do you think this toad will come back to repay the favor someday, just like in those Japanese folktales like Urashima Taro or The Grateful Crane?

The frog that was being attacked by a mouse

I had set the date incorrectly on my digital camera and wanted to correct the date in the Exif data. However, I didn’t want to install unnecessary apps from the App Store, so I used Homebrew to install exiftool and made the correction.


# Install exiftool using Homebrew
brew install exiftool

# Confirm dates of exif
exiftool R0000001.jpg  
    ExifTool Version Number         : 12.76
    File Name                       : R0000001.JPG
    Directory                       : .
    File Size                       : 12 MB
    File Modification Date/Time     : 2024:08:26 12:42:29+09:00
    File Access Date/Time           : 2024:08:26 12:43:26+09:00
    File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2024:08:26 12:43:24+09:00
    File Permissions                : -rwx------
    File Type                       : JPEG
    File Type Extension             : jpg
    MIME Type                       : image/jpeg
    Exif Byte Order                 : Little-endian (Intel, II)
    (Output truncated for brevity)

# Modify dates of exif
exiftool -Alldates='2024:08:23 12:11:00' -overwrite_original ./* 

This is a ridiculous device installed in the restroom at Chiba City Hall. It seems to be meant for explaining how to use the toilet in different languages. But first of all, it’s hard to even understand what this device is for, and using flags to identify languages is just not practical. For example, just because it’s the Chinese flag doesn’t mean the person understands Mandarin.

When it comes to something like toilet instructions, simple pictograms would be much easier to understand. These days, it’s so easy to just take a picture of the Japanese text with your smartphone and translate it into your own language, so wouldn’t just having Japanese be enough?

 ridiculous device installed in the restroom

Finished reading: ヴィンテージ・エフェクターの真実 by アキマツネオ📚

ケンケンさんとの対談が載っていたので買ったが、この価格でモノクロ、紙質の低さにがっかり。「結局ヴィンテージ・サウンドを超えるものなんてないんだ」と言いながら、掲載されているのがリイシュ品だったりする。文章が主観的なのはよいが、その割に知識と愛が足りない。『CULT of Pedals』に遠く及ばない。

🎥 『劇場版総集編 ぼっち・ざ・ろっくRe:Re:』を見てきました。まだ夏休みですが、平日昼間のためかアニメのリュックを背負ったガチ勢の兄ちゃんしかいなくて怖かった。


Finished reading: The United States’ war responsibility in World War II(アメリカの戦争責任) by 竹田恒泰 📚

Finished reading: アメリカの戦争責任 by 竹田恒泰 📚

The book that examines the United States’ war responsibility, particularly regarding the atomic bombings during World War II. I decided to read this book because August 15th is recognized as “End of War Day” in Japan.



📷 #Path

The Hiyodori-zaka is an old path adjacent to an ancient samurai residence street, surrounded by a beautiful bamboo grove that has remained almost unchanged since the Edo period.


The new web-based Micro.blog editor seems to have issues with Japanese input.

I’ve started using SurfShark VPN to avoid facing the same issues as Chika Shigetani, a member of Japan’s Paralympic team for Paris.
カフェでMacを使ってFree WiFiでネットに接続しながら、ちょっとした作業をすることが多くなった。パリ・パラリンピック日本代表の重定知佳さんのような事態を避けるため、個人で SurfShark VPN を使用し始めた。

SurfShark VPM

I visited Bangla Kitchen for lunch🍽️, a place I’ve been wanting to try for a while. As the name suggests, this restaurant offers Bangladeshi cuisine. Today, I had the mutton biryani, which was what I was looking forward to. Delicious!

Mutton Biryani



When I looked at the street trees near my home, I noticed that these insects were quite prevalent, which was creepy.


I found some old Studio Ghibli anime and a Paul McCartney DVD. Since the DVD drive is a bit unreliable, I’ll convert them to MP4 using MakeMKV and HandBrake.

I think the ‘Super HQ 1080p30 Surround’ preset in HandBrake should work well.

Death Note(Netflix Version) 🎥 Laughably bad. The highlight of the story is supposed to be the battle of wits between the genius protagonist and the detective L, but instead, it turned into a low-IQ showdown between an angsty high schooler and a clumsy detective. It was quite the disaster.