Many experts were predicting that the American economy would crash towards the end of the year, yesterday, buy orders dominated the New York stock market, and the S&P 500 reached a new record high. You can’t really rely on expert opinions, can you? lol
📷 #vibrant
Nature's vivid hues bloom in a corner of the city. The bright red berries set against a backdrop of buildings made me feel the contrast between urban and natural elements, as well as an overflowing vitality.I’m using jrnl, so I submitted a pull request for internationalizing the documentation and adding Japanese translations. However, while the project manages dependencies with pyproject.toml, the CI/CD uses pip, causing the pull request build to fail. I think I’ll open an issue about this.
🎥『機動警察パトレイバー THE MOVIE』(1989年)のリバイバル上映を今晩見てきました。「思い出補正」で作品評価を必要以上に上げていて見直すとがっかりするのではと懸念していましたが、予想に反してしっかりと楽しむことができました。 1989年と言えば、昭和天皇の崩御、ベルリンの壁崩壊、冷戦終結の年。三菱地所がロックフェラー・センターを買収し、任天堂がゲームボーイを発売。振り返ると、現代とは異なる世界線だったように感じます。
🎥Tonight, I attended a revival screening of “Patlabor: The Movie” (1989). I was concerned that “nostalgia goggles” might have inflated my evaluation of the film, potentially leading to disappointment upon rewatching. However, contrary to my expectations, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. The year 1989 was marked by significant events: the death of Emperor Hirohito, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the end of the Cold War. It was also the year Mitsubishi Estate purchased Rockefeller Center, and Nintendo released the Game Boy. Looking back, it feels like we were living in a different timeline compared to today.
Splatoon 3: There’s a bug in the Grand Fest venue accessible via Amiibo that allows you to escape outside the venue, so I took a walk around.
Splatoon3 : Amiiboで行けるグランドフェス会場にバグがあり会場外に抜け出せるので、散歩してみました。
I was thinking of switching to Amazon Music Unlimited, but I found out they’ve increased their prices and they don’t properly disclose their specifications. Spotify, on the other hand, clearly publishes their loudness normalization specifications. I guess I’ll stick with Spotify after all.
ドライブレコーダーのSDカードが破損した模様。「フォーマットしろ」というエラーが出ますが、本体ではフォーマットできず Windows PCでしか フォーマットできないという「20世紀の遺物か?」と疑ってしまうバカ仕様。うちにはMacしかない。アイサイトとの関係のため、ディーラーオプションの デンソー のものしかつけられないが、安い中華製のやつの方がよほど使える。
Nova Launcher user forever, but ad company buyout and dev team layoffs make future uncertain. Time to switch! Trying Kvaesitso, a niche German launcher (can’t pronounce it 😅). Surprisingly good! Minimal design centered on search is beautiful. What launcher are you using? Tried this one?
そうでしょうね。 PalWorldは遊んだことないけど、トレーラーの動画だけでもヤバそうだと思っていました。
Synthesizer Vを購入したので、テストのため「君が代」を歌わせてみました。ハモりは適当です。 女性の声のみVocaloid AIを使っています。歌詞の入力はVocaloid の方が楽ですが、Synthesizer Vの方が歌は人間的です。
Finished reading: ぼくはあと何回、満月を見るだろう by 坂本龍一 📚
A book that felt too heavy to pick up for a long time. An essay by Ryuichi Sakamoto, covering the period from his previous work in 2009 until just before his passing. Even as he became increasingly aware of death due to the progression of cancer, his unwavering passion for music and the arts was awe-inspiring. At the same time, I was painfully reminded of how cruel the relentless advance of cancer can be, no matter what one does.
People say the Home screen has been updated in iOS 18. How true is that? On Android, Nova Launcher was acquired, and the development team was laid off in the summer, leaving it in a near-death state. Maybe I should just switch back to iPhone… Nah, that’s not going to happen.
I finally went to see Haraoka Pier , which I had wanted to visit for a long time. It was so hot!
📷 #album_cover These are LaserDisc albums, which were once a cutting-edge medium. Now, I no longer have a LaserDisc player, so I cannot play them.
Currently evaluating OpenAI’s o1-preview. Although it is said that it is not always more accurate than GPT-4o, when checked with the “World Model”, which collects problems that LLMs struggle with, o1-preview correctly solves questions like the following that GPT-4o gets wrong.
- Q1. What happens if you push a door labeled “Pull” from the opposite side?
- Q2. A cotton candy is 8 centimeters tall, and a brick is 7 centimeters tall. If you place the brick on top of the cotton candy, what is the total height?
- Q3. I left a wallet on a park bench near Shibuya Station for three hours. On that day, the temperature exceeded 39 degrees Celsius, and the wallet was exposed to direct sunlight. What happens to the wallet?
- Q4. Do man-eating tigers live in unexplored jungles?
OpenAIのo1-previewを現在評価しています。GPT-4oより常に精度が高いわけではないと言われていますが、LLMが苦手な問題を集めた「World Model」で確認すると、GPT-4oで不正解となる次のような問題をo1-previewでは正確に解いてしまいます。
- Q1. 「引く」と書かれたドアを反対側から押すとどうなりますか?
- Q2. 綿菓子の高さは8センチ、レンガの高さは7センチです。綿菓子の上にレンガを置くと、全体の高さは何センチになりますか?
- Q3. 渋谷駅近くの公園のベンチに財布を3時間置き忘れました。その日は気温が39度を超え、財布は直射日光にさらされていました。財布はどうなりますか?
- Q4. 前人未到のジャングルに人喰い虎は生息していますか?
🎉 Congratulations to Hiroyuki Sanada for becoming the first Japanese actor to win the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series! It’s an incredible achievement. His talent, dedication, and groundbreaking performance continue to inspire audiences around the world. 🇯🇵🎬
The Splatoon 3 Grand Fest has ended, and Nintendo’s official Twitter announced that regular updates, such as weapon additions, will also come to an end. It’s sad. While the Grand Fest was elaborate, it didn’t generate as much excitement as the final fest in Splatoon 2.
発売から2年間と予告していた『スプラトゥーン3』への定期的なコンテンツ追加は終了となるが、「Splatoween」「Frosty Fest」「Spring Fest」「Summer Nights」については、一部のお題を復刻しながら今後も開催するぞ。
— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) September 16, 2024
今週末のスプラトゥーン3🎮 はおそらく最後のフェスであるグランドフェス開催中。楽しみましょう。
This weekend, Splatoon 3 is hosting the Grand Fest—probably the last festival. Let’s enjoy it!
It seems that PFAS levels up to 200 times the national standard have been detected in wells around Ichihara. Japan’s provisional standard is set at 50 ng/L, while in the U.S., it’s 4 ng/L. Based on U.S. standards, that’s 5,000 times the limit. It’s also been detected around Kashiwa City in Chiba, which is concerning. I’m using a BRITA filter and plan to install a water purifier soon, both of which claim to remove over 80% of PFAS, so I can feel reassured for now.
ガートナージャパンは9月10日、「生成AIのハイプ・サイクル:2024年」を発表したようです。 幻滅期に入っているとも言われますが、「マルチモーダル」はAIの使い勝手を劇的に変えてくれます。 すでに業界をリードするOpenAI/Microsoft、Google、Anthropicの御三家は「マルチモーダル」をリリース済みですが、やはりOpenAIの使い勝手がよいようでです。
I got tired of the ugliness of the iPhone and switched to the Essential Phone, and then to the Pixel. But the exceptionally ugly design of the Pixel 9 is probably no longer an option for me.