🎮 久しぶりにスプラトゥーンでバンカラマッチやってみました。
While I was taking a break from Anarchy Battles in Splatoon 3 🎮 , I went back to the hidden Hero Mode stage—infamous for its brutal difficulty—after a long time.
12-Bar Daily Sessions 🎸 06 - 06 - 06
Yostos · 12-Bar Daily Sessions 06 - 06 - 06
📷 fragile
Luminous Petals
The pale purple LED petals glowing in the shadows embody ‘fragility’ through their translucent presence, contrasting with warm scattered lights and diffusing blue illumination.
🎸 12-Bar Daily Sessions 05 - 05 - 05
Yostos · 12-Bar Daily Sessions 05 - 05 - 05
🎸 12-Bar Daily Sessions 03-01-03
Yostos · Blues Practice 03 - 01 - 03
The Splatoon 3 🎮 soundtrack “Odertune” I ordered has just arrived. It’s absolutely perfect as background music while working!
Splatoon3 ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK -Ordertune- [ スプラトゥーン3 ]posted with カエレバ楽天市場Amazon
🎸 12-Bar Daily Sessions 02-02-02
Yostos · Blues Practice 02 - 02 - 02 先日購入したTONE XでEpiphone Casinoを弾く気持ちいい。
🎸 Practice to expand my Blues phrase repertoire - 01-03-01
Bluesフレーズのレパートリーを増やす練習 01-03-01
Yostos · Blues Practice 01 - 03 - 01
Yorishiro: Vessel of the Divine This 1,200-year-old shrine embodies the essence of yorishiro - a sacred vessel where gods have manifested in our earthly realm. The shrine's roof, veiled by trees, and the metal handrail along its stone steps blend subtle modernity with ancient mystique.
帰省ラッシュの前に来週帰省しようかと、ピーチ航空 で予約しようとしたらスマートフォン、Macのどんな環境でやっても支払処理で中断されて予約が完了しません。
アカウント削除のメニューはない 問い合わせチャットで「アカウント削除依頼」とタイプしても自動応答でアカウント関連のヘルプに飛ばされるだけで削 …
エリクサーに張り替える作業も♬ なんとなくなんだ♪♬〜
結束バンド 『ギターと孤独と蒼い惑星』 Black Fridayなので、🎸ギター弦をまとめ買いしちゃいました。
AWS Certified AI Practitioner
I took the AWS AI Practitioner certification exam this morning. Since it’s aimed at beginners, I successfully passed it.
気が向いたので、今日午前中にAWSのAI Practiionerの認定試験を受けてきました。初学者向けなので無事合格しました。
LazyVim had a major update last month, so I applied it today. I had to make some adjustments as snacks.nvim was introduced and the handling of dashboard.nvim and pickers had changed.
Listening to “Double Fantasy” again after a long time, I remembered skipping Yoko’s songs back then. Revisiting it now, I realize that it’s not so bad. Especially “Hard Times Are Over” brings me to tears when I think about what happened afterward. Her vocal …
🎥 I watched “Senna” on Netflix. At the time, Japan was experiencing an unprecedented F1 boom, and since Ayrton Senna drove for a team using Honda engines, he had many fans in Japan - this brought back vivid memories of that era. The footage shot using F1 car replicas was absolutely …
Finished reading: 誰でも簡単! 世界一の4:6メソッドでハマる美味しいコーヒー by 粕谷哲 📚
実のところYoutubeなど見れば本書の4:6メソッドの大半は学ぶことができます。それでも Step By Stepで写真をつけて解説してくれているのはありがたい。ただ、シンプルなメソッドだけに一度学べば読み返すことはないでしょう。
I hadn’t noticed it before, but when you post about books from Bookshelves on Micro.blog, a thumbnail of the book cover is attached. It’s so convenient!
…Or so I thought, but it turns out the thumbnail only appears in the timeline on Micro.blog, not on the blog.
I visited the Ichihara Lakeside Museum today. It’s the typical municipal museum: “a grand building, but…”
That said, it’s surrounded by the rich nature of Lake Takataki. The scenery is beautiful. I wouldn’t mind coming back someday to relax and enjoy some pizza.
一太郎! 自治体とかだと、ほんとにまだ使ってんのか😨
🎮 スプラトゥーン3 : プライベートのサーモンランの大会に出てみました。 ソロ部門で130人中36位でした。
Splatoon🎮 : 上位帯のリッター使いで、Youtube配信者の りんチャンネルが任天堂から垢BANされたらしい。ここ数日不正スナイプしてるって炎上してたけれど、本当だったのね。
— りんチャンネル (@rinsplatoon0429) November 27, 2024
Discovering an Estery Rum in Chiba / 房総大井倉蒸留所のエステリーラムとの出会い
Recently, I heard about a rum distillery in Chiba prefecture at Beer O’clock and immediately ordered from BOSO Oikura Distillery’s online shop.
I purchased their rare estery rum “BOSO Rhum Mer-Sea- Cuvée spéciale ESTERY2024”, which is limited to 597 bottles. Upon tasting it, …